Nangfang Quantou
Why learn Nanfang Quantou? Gung fu is a great form of exercise that has many benefits to offer.
•Self Defense Practical and designed for realistic confrontations. Learning this way will give you the ability to handle yourself should the need ever arise.
•Confidence Not only in the knowledge that you can now successfully defend yourself and others, but that you can now tackle any problem presented to you with a clear and determined mind.
•Control Your own mental attitude towards day-to-day occurrences will become enhanced. This allows you to develop a healthy and rational perspective of life itself and your relationship with others around you. You will learn that it is always better to avoid violence where possible.
•Discipline To maintain the required level of performance, you will become involved in constant and regular practise. To be able to do this successfully involves an above average effort of self-discipline and self-denial which in turn helps to strengthen your character.
•Fitness The rigorous training methods and exercises utilised in Nanfang Quan tou provide an excellent means of improving one's strength, flexibility, co-ordination, circulation and general fitness.
In Nanfang Quantou we go back to basics with training. You learn medicine and how to use it because when you damage your self or someone else whilst training, you will have knowledge of which remedy to use. You will learn meditation not as a means of praying or as a religion, but to learn about yourself and gain insight. Meditation will nurture a peaceful mind so you can focus on what you are learning and help you cope with pressure.
You will learn basic, intimate and technical moves. The applications and benefits of these moves will be taught and also how to apply some of these movements to liondance. The principle behind the best offence is also the best defence. There are few techniques dedicated to blocking because most techniques focus on attack. Any blocks used are designed to redirect an opponent's force against them. The source of the problem should be dealt with, not the symptom.
All techniques are designed for maximum speed. This is achieved by starting the technique from a relaxed state before finishing it with a quick contraction of the tendons. Fast footwork is also essential for close distances. What you learn is to minimise your opponent's attack to one punch or kick before bearing the full assault.
A lot of techniques are designed so that they can be seamlessly strung together in a fast and rapid assault. You will learn to attack until the opponent is down, by utilising maximum power output. This is achieved by using external power (ging), which is triggered by the movement of the legs, waist, elbows, wrists and fingers.
Internal power (chi) is also harnessed through breathing techniques.
Accuracy favours striking at an opponent's 'pressure points'. These are points within the body typically located near major arteries or nerves. Attacking these areas can be debilitating to an opponent, often causing that part of the body to be numbed or paralysed for a short period of time. Striking certain pressure points may also cause death as they can temporarily halt blood flow in an artery. Such strikes are known as dim mak techniques and are only taught at advanced level. using close range attacks is done in order to crowd the opponent's space, upset their balance and to minimise the time it takes for a technique to strike the target. It is also more difficult for an opponent to strike vital points with accuracy at such close range. Employing medium-range techniques relies more on quick footwork to close the distance.
In this system, low kicks are used for effectiveness and for speed, there are no high kicks.These kicks are aimed low and are designed to strike the opponent's legs and lower body.
Weapons you will learn are the double end pole and sword form.
Chi Kung At advanced levels, chi kung forms are taught to students. Chi kung is a traditional Chinese exercise which helps students breath correctly, develop inner power (chi) and improve dynamic muscular strength.
Forms A series of techniques strung together and designed to improve one's concentration, co-ordination, breathing, stability, and internal strength. Forms can be performed unarmed or with weapons.
The core of Nanfang Quantou (fist of the south) is a powerful and intense form of Gung Fu and just like other styles, is a unique hydrid system and collection of the great fighting styles created in Southern China. These styles include Hakka kuen, Wing Chun, Hung gar, Mok Gar and Pak mei. This system uses the traditional methods but is also adapted for modern times because society has changed.
The history of Chinese martial arts are shrouded in secrecy for no reason other than the fact that Chinese people didn't want westerners to find out about them. Also because Westerners are physically bigger than most Chinese people a lot of the systems were not as effective. You see, a long history of martial arts in the area, along with several eras of political upheaval and a lack of written documentation, often leaves us attempting to tie facts together with supposition.
Nanfang Quantou Gung Fu has strong stable stances from which strong arm movements and combinations covering all 3 ranges of attack and defence can be launched. The concepts of attack and defence are combined so that the blocks are delivered in a powerful and fierce manner to represent self-defence or fighting situations. This system also has a unique form of simultaneous attack and defence called Y V, where the forearms are used at diagonal angles to create both a block and strike coming from the inside and the outside.
In Nanfang quantou emphasis is on the use of power, speed and stability.The use of Chi Chung is incorporated to balance the power and aggression of Nanfang Quantou. All the stances are solid, with some of the low stances being flexible in order to evade ground attacks.
Nanfang Quantou focuses on being a full body system.There are no high acrobatic kicks in the system except in training to promote flexibility and complement Lion dance Training.
Gung Fu and Chinese martial arts have taken me to many places,so I am here to share this with you and give you a better quality of life.